Frontendmentor challenge to replicate coding-bootcamp-testimonials-slider-master for desktop and mobile screens.
Frontendmentor challenge to replicate article-preview-component-master for desktop and mobile screens.
Frontendmentor challenge to replicate four-card-feature-section-master for desktop and mobile screens.
Frontendmentor challenge to replicate Social proof section master for desktop and mobile screens.
VanillaJS app which compares the purchase price to current price of a stock and represent the profit/loss status.
Frontendmentor challenge to replicate the FAQ Accordian for desktop and mobile screens.
Frontendmentor challenge to replicate the profile card component for desktop and mobile screens.
Check if your birthday forms a palindrome string. This app checks the date in 4 different combinations.
A simple VannillaJS app to learn and play around with triangles.
Automating tweeting process to track the #151daysofcode challenge. This app is created using ReactJS
VannillaJS app to check if your birthday is lucky.
A cash register manager app which assists to return the correct change currency for a bill amount.
Some of the bollywood movies i would recommend to watch. This app is created using React
This app interprets the meaning of a hand gesture! You can either provide an input or choose from the given list.
This app helps you interpret the meaning of an emoji! It's a React app developed on CodeSandBox.
Given a valid IFSC code, this app helps you obtain the bank details corresponding to the code.
An interative webapp which transalates English to the Swedish chef accent. Note that we are referring to free APIs, hence there is a limit on the number of transaltions.
An interative webapp which transalates English to the Minion's Banana language. Note that we are referring to free APIs, hence there is a limit on the number of transaltions.
A short quiz to check if your date of birth is a prime number. This quiz has been created on
This is a small quiz which lets you know if you were born on a leap year! This quiz has been created on Checkout the game for more information.
This quiz contains 3 levels. The user get's to choose one among the two quizes available. This quiz has been created on Checkout the game for more information.
A short quiz to test how well you know me. This quiz has been created on